Cofidis Marketplace:
on-demand services for your
applications and your customers
Access our catalog of financial services APIs to enrich the payment experience. Turnkey or tailor-made offers, you write the story that goes with our services.
Discover our solutions
Simple and quick APIs to integrate
Packaged services and an integration kit to allow your teams to carry out an integration in a few days and in complete autonomy.
A demonstration platform connected to our APIs
Discover our services through illustrative “use cases” in a “sandbox” environment.
The security of your customers' data
Integrated with Euro Information technology, we process billions of transactions in compliance with the most demanding market standards.
Personalized services for your environments
Tools to compose your ideal payment journey or use customizable templates.

Integrate our product catalog:
find the balance between simplicity and personalization
We have designed a cloud-based product catalog that adapts to your projects and your requirements thanks to 3 possible levels of API integration.
See catalogAPIs designed for
Lifecycle Management
Our vision of payment: to be as close as possible to your businesses and your products, we develop services beyond the customer journey

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